Welcome to sound based microinterventions

  • Please open this page on your phone. You will find 2 parts divided in “weeks” in the navigation window. In the weeks tabs you will see audio files with exercises.
  • Each of the exercises is 2 to 4 minutes long.
  • You have version with and without music. Up to you which one you prefer.
  • These exercises are based on well-known, evidence-based interventions on Self AwarenessCognitive Behavioural Therapy, Sound Based Therapy and Music Based Sensitivity Training;
  • The information that you provide will be kept private;
  • We are asking you to monitor and note you mood and engagement. After the completion of the program, researcher will contact you for scheduling a short interview. Information provided in this interview will be kept private and will be destroyed after completion of this research;


  1. Make sure you have headsets connected to your phone. It works best if you use open headsets.
  2. After that, open this page on your phone and go to the part 1, and start the sound. Make sure that the sound is not muted and adjust level of audio file.
  3. Please fill in the feedback part on the Microinterventions page.
  4. Try to come back to those exercises every day during the week and do at least one exercise.
  5. Remember to find a safe, quiet spot to do so.

We are hoping that you will enjoy taking part in this test.

This prototype is designed for InHolland University of Applied Sciences for Authentic Leadership Lab by Dr.Kasia Głowicka.